Week of

You Can Afford to Be What You Are

You don’t have to delay yourself between thinking and doing things. Rather, you need the fundamental understanding that, to start with, what you’re doing is not warfare. No one is losing and no one is gaining. There’s time to be open. That doesn’t mean that you have to slow down your footsteps and be half an hour late for your interview necessarily. Space is not that literal. But you can afford to be what you are.

From”Bardo,” in Transcending Madness: The Experience of the Six Bardos, page 14.

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CTR Quote of the Week

The CTR Quote of the Week is coming to you from the Chogyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa University. The compiler of the quotes and the moderator of the list is Carolyn Gimian.

All material is used by permission of Diana J. Mukpo.

Photo of Chogyam Trungpa by James Gritz.

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