From the genuine spiritual point of view, as opposed to an idealized viewpoint, society is an extremely potent arena, full of vibrant qualities of energy. That practical approach of working with the energy of the situation is the only access point we can find. Otherwise, on an abstract level, society may seem like an autonomous process without any cracks in it, no faults in its surface, no entrances and no exits. But if we see society in terms of the practicality of work, sex, and money, we can find ways of working with it. Sex is an aspect or attribute of society. Money is an aspect of society. Work is an aspect of society. From that point of view, we can see something relevant to us in society. We can see how we might contribute something to society, or at least how we could work along with it. If we look at it in the concrete terms of work, sex, and money, society is not entirely dry and sterile; it is not insignificant for us.
From Work, Sex, Money: Real Life on the Path of Mindfulness, page 3.