Week of

Something Is Not Quite Right

On the path of dharma, a person may be convinced that they have gained something which they actually haven’t gained. And if you talk to such a person, they might behave as if they have no doubt about themselves at all. In that situation, one overrides one’s doubts about oneself. You feel that there’s no question about your attainment. It is absolutely valid. You are a bank of knowledge and you know what you’re doing. But the very fact of the way you override any doubt means the subtlety of something is not quite right.

From”Bardo,” in Transcending Madness: The Experience of the Six Bardos, page 13.

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CTR Quote of the Week

The CTR Quote of the Week is coming to you from the Chogyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa University. The compiler of the quotes and the moderator of the list is Carolyn Gimian.

All material is used by permission of Diana J. Mukpo.

Photo of Chogyam Trungpa by James Gritz.

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