Week of

In the Magical Realm

The world is filled with magical energy. We, on the other hand, are filled with unmagical properties. We do not understand who or what we are, and we think there’s something to understand, which makes us unmagical.

We think everything has to be manual, and dependent on pure karmic debt, as though you have to get in a bread line, and if you’re at the end of the line and the bread supply runs out, and you’re rejected, then too bad for you. Somehow, in the realm of magic, things don’t work that way.

In the magical realm there is an enormous abundance of energy in constant supply. It just keeps going. If you approach magic at a nonmaterialistic level, it is at your disposal. You can relate with real magic  directly, constantly.  Magic is available to you, and you can work with it.

From Cynicism and Magic: Intelligence and Intuition on the Buddhist Path, page 139.

See our year end letter: https://mailchi.mp/chogyamtrungpa/2021-year-end-directors-letter


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CTR Quote of the Week

The CTR Quote of the Week is coming to you from the Chogyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa University. The compiler of the quotes and the moderator of the list is Carolyn Gimian.

All material is used by permission of Diana J. Mukpo.

Photo of Chogyam Trungpa by James Gritz.

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